Keeping in touch in tough times


Newsletters written by Coach Paul Cassar to support principals in difficult times.


Professional Presence

I have always been fascinated by an effective teacher’s presence; not just being present, but successfully holding learners’ attention and creating a classroom atmosphere which makes engagement, focus and inspiration possible. Nothing pleases a principal more than...

It’s Time for Surgical Intervention

We naturally associate holidays with summer. A three-week winter break is a much-needed blessing for teachers and learners. Now the challenge is to reboot a positive teaching and learning mindset. It doesn’t happen automatically; like your surgeon you have to have a...

Getting Better

Every glossy magazine is full of self-help articles aimed at getting you healthier, thinner and fitter. We've all tried each of these degrees of comparison and what stands out is just how hard it is to get better at whatever. Getting better as a principal or teacher...

Let’s Shine the Light on Deputies

This year I have the privilege of coaching three newly appointed deputy-principals. Our policy is to mentor only those young deputies whose principals have already enjoyed an association with the Principals Academy. Investing in the development of young leaders in...

Experience Matters

You can imagine how much experience matters in a police station, a maternity ward or a food processing plant. And no different in a school. Just look around and see how many principals and senior teachers are about to retire in the next few years. One place literally...

It’s All Systems Go

This is my fourth day-one letter to principals who are tasked with bringing a school, its staff and learners back to life. My purpose is to list a few issues which help to shine a bright light on the leadership of instruction. Links to last year’s first letter - very...

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