ONE moment, ONE day, ONE school

Can you think of ONE person whose life you impacted this week? You’re a principal so the answer is many. If, like most heads, you have a presence about you and a passion for your school and its people, then it’s really many.

I love the concept of a new book for school leaders by Stephen Peters and Mark Wilson entitled ‘ONE’. A review reads: “‘ONE’ is an inspirational read about how to grow impact and effectiveness in your school one student, one educator, one act, one word and one opportunity at a time.” I love what this says about the teaching profession. You have the capacity to make a difference one minute at a time. As a principal, if you are reaching out to a learner, or including another, or recognising a teacher’s contribution, you are building buy-in one individual at a time, making the collective stronger. Be mindful of your impact as a principal and make full use of your moments.

I made a point of recording my MOMENTS as a principal, in writing, in detail, at the back of my diary or in a special place on my phone. Otherwise, they slip into oblivion. Each year in my annual speech at Prize- Giving, I would share my year’s memorable moments – usually ones the learners could relate to, original moments full of colour, character and always with a touch of humour. Each week the principals I visit share their moments of sadness, progress, and pride. Some of you photograph them and share them on social media. I promise you, it’s moments that your learners remember and, if you record them properly, you’ll cherish them long after you’ve retired. Usually, those moments speak volumes about your school’s values and your priorities as a principal. If you make a habit of sharing the special moments with your staff, they’ll share theirs with you. Together you build a place full of moments which define the heart and humanity of your school’s culture.

Interestingly, years after, your learners remember random moments, too, but far removed from what they learned in class and more related to who and how they were taught, with whom they learned and how teachers (and the principal) made them feel. Remember moments make a school and it’s the school climate, the structure, the opportunities your learners have to grow and shine which make the moments possible.

ONE day has become more than just one day when learners only attend on alternate days. How do we make the one day really count? This is absolutely crucial in the earlier years where the focus needs to be totally on building literacy and numeracy. Principal and teachers can make this work, but not by simply doing what we used to do when we had them every day. I always urged my team and our staff to come out into the corridor at the change of every period. They don’t like it and they’re busy with the logistics of starting a new lesson, but that joint commitment to making those transitions smooth and fast makes for a school that works.

Take ONE aspect of your school – let’s say ‘text’. Scratch deeper. How much are children writing today? Walk your school and gauge the number with books out and pens in hand. Keep a mental record. Randomly call children and see how much has been written in the three weeks of this term. What has been written? How well? Was it copied? Was it marked or checked? Get your deputy to help so that you are scratching deeper and allowing the one day to provide an accurate slice of your school’s core.

In conclusion, let’s take our word ‘one’ and place it simply in front of your school’s name. ONE Siyazakha. Think about a school unified in purpose and practice with systems which guarantee quality even before lessons start, which drive one collaborative standard, and which provide the data needed and the action required to support every child to achieve at her or his personal best. One Siyazakha, with all stakeholders on the same page is what Stephen Peters and Mark Wilson would facilitate if they brought the ONE programme to your school for a couple of weeks. Actually, they’re coaches, former principals just like your coach. That sort of journey to excellence, to ONE school, demands all round involvement, but indispensable leadership from the top. Your school has many leaders, but ONE principal. You’re that ONE.

Till next time.

Paul (Coach/Mentor)

Principals Academy

Keeping in Touch in Tough Times, #32 of 2021, 29 October 2021

TST: 15 of 2021

Hello Friends

Schools are a hive of activity at the moment and there seems to be very little time to sit back and reflect on the year that has passed. Reflection, in the few weeks that are left of this term, is important for each and every one of us in order to look to the new year with optimism.

In recent months, you would have been part of an evaluation process at your schools. These evaluations are often looked upon with negativity and even fear by many teachers, but they can be incredibly valuable to us as individuals. We should look at the scores and results of these evaluations as a guide for self- improvement and not as personal criticism.

The process of reflection allows us to examine ourselves and our attitudes. It also enables us to find a way forward once we have identified the areas that need to be changed or improved on. On reflection, you’re likely to see the scores of your evaluation in a different light and use them in a positive way to develop your skills.

After reflection, don’t be afraid to approach the senior staff members at your school and make a time to discuss your concerns. You are entitled to make your voice heard in a mature, respectful and unconfrontational manner. Sometimes we incorrectly assume that our senior staff won’t have time for us but often the opposite is true.

Bear in mind that many of the members of our leadership teams don’t have experience in the Foundation Phase, so they aren’t always aware of the difficulties you might be facing. They need to know what your challenges are so that they can put measures in place to assist and support you. Remember, if you don’t voice your challenges, the management team will assume you are happy with the way things are.

Try to differentiate between what can be changed and what can’t. Continually harping on things that just cannot be changed will cause you to feel that you are not being heard. This will add to your feelings of dissatisfaction. Focussing on what can be changed will give you an opening to start a positive and meaningful conversation. It will also give the management team an opportunity to see the situation from a different perspective.

Go to such a meeting prepared to take responsibility for changes that you or your seniors may suggest. Let them know that you are a team player and that you are prepared to make changes as well in order to improve things at your school or personally. These meetings can be awkward to start with, but your attitude can make all the difference. Be open, honest, and respectful. A touch of kindness thrown in will not do any harm!

As in meetings with parents, use the word ‘I’ and ‘we’ instead of ‘you’ or ‘they. Make yourself a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Listen with understanding and be prepared to compromise. Keep your emotions in check and think carefully before making a decision or a comment that you might regret later.

Communication is key to the success of any organisation. It creates a better understanding of the needs of all the stakeholders and develops trust and respect.

If you are in a leadership position at your school, I challenge you to create an atmosphere where your teachers feel comfortable to express their concerns without fear of being judged. Set an example by being a good listener. Be aware of what is happening around you and enable your teachers to feel at ease to initiate honest discussions with you. Take their concerns to the next level of management if necessary and always make sure that you give your colleagues feedback even if it’s not what you think they want to hear.

It takes courage to go out and have those conversations. The right words at the right time have immense power. Make your words count.

Have a great week. Kind regards

Jenny (on behalf of)

The Teachers’ Support Team

Principals Academy Trust

#15 of 2021, 25 October 2021

Teacher, it’s time to chat

School improvement is at the core of any comprehensive plan for 2022. The WCED guides you with the SIP that you construct and compile from various personal evaluation plans, identified areas of school development and responses to systemic analysis and NSC results. But, an often overlooked tool is an annual planning conversation with each teacher. Not all principals are wired for open, direct and sometimes confrontational courageous conversations, but a well-planned, purposeful interaction based on reflection, expectation and team emphasis for 2022, will give your school a collective boost.

In discussing this with the principals I serve, it’s clear that most prefer more informal, on-the-go chats with teachers which are both personal and professional, and which include the usual themes of recognition, gratitude, family news, upcoming events, and general encouragement. The more you do of this the better, but a more structured, inclusive, core business conversation about the available data, plans, targets, and updated responsibilities is an effective way of driving and aligning improvement. I realise that it is an extremely busy time of the year for principals. You could save time by seeing two or three teachers together according to appropriate subject and grade groupings, but that one-on-one is the ideal.

In preparing to write this letter, I discuss what I’m thinking with the four or five principals I coach each week. It’s part of our conversation. We value each other’s contextual insight and experience, and we deepen our understanding and our mutual respect. Your structured conversation with each team member and teacher should underline the same professionalism. When we sit down to chat as principal and teacher, we both learn. My Head-Coach schedules individual meetings with mentors like me on a regular basis. It’s what’s expected of learning organizations.

Start off the conversation, if appropriate, with general thanks and very particular praise for the teacher’s contribution. This needs preparation to be sincere and effective. Remember each one’s family details. With most of your teachers the conversations will be easy. I guarantee you, even the world’s best teachers and principals are always aiming to improve.

Always give your teachers a chance to have their say. Their insights are valuable in that you get to understand your school from another perspective and to adapt your communication strategy accordingly. Ask about their most stressful tasks. Make a point of ascertaining any professional development requests.

This is your chance to provoke change, to drive it with specifics like the depth of teacher collaboration you are trying to introduce as a school wide strength. You are not urging teachers in the staffroom; you are ‘signing’ an upgraded individual ‘contract’, personally developing your teachers, fulfilling your role as an instructional leader. Actually, too many heads regard this as the HoD’s responsibility. I can hear a principal say, ‘That’s not my job’. It’s 100% your responsibility to ensure that there’s a working structure in place. One you can vouch for. Make it happen, one interview at a time.

Ask the teacher to talk about involvement beyond the classroom and to share observations and highlights. If it’s obvious there is little involvement, discuss one or two possibilities and let the teacher choose. Follow up with the head of the chosen activity or administrative task. Add to the organogram. Being added to a committee is meaningless; being assigned a responsibility is progress.

When speaking to teachers who need to improve particular aspects of their work, address, if necessary, the elephant in the room – punctuality, irregular attendance, leaving a class unattended, insufficient evidence of written work or marking, insufficient support for subject head, etc. Get it said calmly and discuss steps and deadlines for immediate improvement.

If you are VERY lucky, you may have an outstanding deputy who buys in to what you are driving, sits in with you to observe and then undertakes the same with other teachers. It’s not a job you can delegate to someone not on the same page. There’s loads of joint commitment, loyalty and maturity required.

Remember, as principal, you build strong and successful relationships with your teachers by being respectful, caring, and supportive. And always sincere. When you trust teachers as professionals you are more likely to get buy-in, especially in trying new things.

Chatting to teachers about their year, their strengths and challenges, can be invaluable and motivating. It’s real leadership. Don’t shy away from it because it’s time-consuming or unpredictable. You’ll be glad you put in the extra time.

Till next time.

Paul (Coach/Mentor)

Principals Academy

Keeping in Touch in Tough Times, #32 of 2021, 23 October 2021